2021 China High-Level Dialogue on Maritime and Commercial Arbitration


July 16, 2021    
1:00 pm

The 2021 China High-Level Dialogue on Maritime and Commercial Arbitration(CHDOMACA) was held in Beijing on July 16, 2021(Friday). As one of the flagship events of China Maritime Arbitration Commission(CMAC), CHDOMACA would be a significant platform to discuss the frontier innovation and trending developments of international maritime and commercial arbitration in different jurisdictions. By the high-level professional dialogue, experienced dispute resolution counsels, judges, lawyers, scholars and other esteemed speakers would be brought together for a lively, informative and far-reaching discussion to share their valuable insights, exploring the future of international arbitration and promoting the healthy development of arbitration in China


The Future Development of Maritime and Commercial Arbitration in the Post Epidemic Era


Session I : Hot Issues of Maritime Arbitration

  1. The choice of maritime arbitration seat in the post epidemic era.
  2. Ad hoc vs. institutional arbitration
  3. The jurisdiction clause over the bill of lading

Session II : Hot Issues of Commercial Arbitration

  1. The innovative practices and mechanism of arbitration institutions in the post epidemic era
  2. The foreign institution’s administration of arbitration in the Mainland and the constructive partnership between Chinese and foreign arbitration institution
  3. The characteristic of Chinese institutional arbitration
  • Dr. Bo CHEN – Deputy Secretary General, CMAC; Vice President, CMAC arbitration court; Secretary General, China Maritime Law Association(CMLA)
  • Dr. Yanzhong CHEN – Chief Judge, Trial Supervision Tribunal, Xiamen Maritime Court
  • Prof. Dr. James Zhengliang HU – Director, Maritime Law Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Dr. Hu Li – Vice Chairman, CMAC
  • Mr. Jack Li – President, Inter-Pacific Bar Association(IPBA)
  • Mr. Nicholas LUM – Partner, Clyde & Co (Shanghai); Director, Clasis LLC(Singapore)
  • Mr. JJ(John Joseph) McINTYRE – Vice Presiedent, Vancouver Maritime Arbitrators Association(VMAA), Barristers, MW Law Offices
  • Mr. Nick POYNDER – Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan LLP
  • Dr. Ismail SELIM- Director, Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA)
  • Dr. Hongyu SHEN – Deputy Chief Judge, No.4 Civil Adjudication Trubunal, Supreme People’s Court, P.R.C
  • Ms. Marianella Ventura SILVA – Secretary General, Centro Nacional e International de Arbitraje de la C u mara de Comercio de Lima(CGL)
  • Mr. Dihuang SONG – Partner, Hui Zhong Law Firm
  • Mr. Peter SWANSON – Director, Vancouver MAritime Arbitration Association(VMAA), Barristers and Solicitors, Bernard LLP
  • Dr. Xuehua WANG – Chief Partner, Beijing Huanzhong&Partners
  • Mr. Anton A. WARE – Partner, Arnold & Porter
  • Dr. Yuejiao ZHANG – Professor, Tsinghua University
  • Dr. Grace ZHENG – Partner, Co- Effort Law Firm; Visiting Scholar, Columbia University

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