Ep 2: The Rationale of using Negotiation and Mediation in Malaysian Construction Industry

Ep 2: The Rationale of using Negotiation and Mediation in Malaysian Construction Industry


September 27, 2021    
All Day

The Second Episode of Settling Disputes in Construction Industry: A Practical Guide to Mediation by AIADR , we have Ms Rammit Kaur to speak on ‘The Rationale of using Negotiation and Mediation in Malaysian Construction Industry’. Ms Rammit has evolved from a practising lawyer and corporate counsel to a dispute resolution consultant bringing with her close to 20 over years wealth of experience. She has gained expertise in the construction, infrastructure, transportation, logistics, oil & gas and legal industries. She is also passionate about dispute resolution and actively sits in as arbitrator, adjudicator and mediator. We are certain that her experiences will bring an insights as to the crux of why negotiation and mediation can help to solve construction disputes!

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