ADR Forums
Expert Determination
The parties seeking the appointment of an Expert for expert determination in accordance with the dispute resolution clause in their contracts, which does not provide the appointment procedure or appointment body, can apply to AIADR for appointment of a suitable expert from the relevant industry.
In the event there is no provision for expert determination in the contract but parties are keen to get an expert evaluation either from a Retired Judge, Senior counsel, Queen’s Counsel, Experienced Practitioner or industry expert for technology intensive subjects, may also contact the secretariat by submitting the relevant details with nominal appointment fee.
The AIADR-DRAC (Dispute Resolutions Appointment Committee) Secretary will revert within 5 working days with the proposal for consideration by the parties, based on the services requested and
details provided, including request for Standard Expert Determination Clause and applicable procedural rules for conduct of expert determination.
Please submit your request for appointment of Experts here. (You will require an user account to submit this Request Form and payment of the fee. For first time user please create a new User Account, for free.)
Please feel free to submit your suggestions to or by filling the feedback form on this website.