Our Vision and Values

About Us

Our Vision

The AIADR shall be a repertoire of global jurisprudence, formed by professional membership, recognized by international institutions, striving for the advancement of alternative dispute resolution methodologies, for amicable conflicts management and effective dispute resolution.

Our Mission

Make Membership Affordable

To be the preferred Institute for independent professionals from across the globe to become the members of AIADR and be recognized as elite professionals.

Neutral, Nonaligned and Quality Legal Knowledgebase

Develop resources of jurisprudence appropriate for target jurisdictions, within AIADR, for supporting developing States on policy and law making matters, for management and administration of conflicts and dispute resolution.

Multilingual Professional Development and Training Courses

AIADR will develop and deliver dynamically progressive courses and training for continuous professional development of its members and users of ADR services in the preferred or first languages of its members and Branches.

Network of Branches

AIADR shall be present through a network of Branches in all 47 states of AALCO and other States where interested members would like to make representation within their home States.

Career Counselling

A platform for ADR employers, practitioners, non-practitioners and students to benefit from ADR employment opportunities across the continents.

Promote Cost Effective ADR Forums

AIADR shall be the Institute for full spectrum of ADR Forums, including:

  • Mediation
  • Adjudication
  • Expert Determination and Expert Witness Services
  • Arbitration
  • Dispute Adjudication Board and Dispute Resolution Board
  • Observer and Member of Working Groups at UNCITRAL, WIPO, IMO and other Organs of the United Nations

Mentoring Programs

Young members and specialist from industry will benefit by undergoing mentoring programs for enhancement of their career in ADR fields of choice. The initial choices of specialization will be available for the following:

  • Shipping, Maritime and Offshore Segments
  • Oil & Gas Exploration and Exploitation
  • Palm Oil Industry Professionals
  • Medical and Pharmaceutical Professionals
  • Banking, Finance and Islamic Financing Professionals
  • Commodity Trading
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Treaty Based Dispute Resolution
  • Sports and International Competitive Sporting Events

Contact Us

Should you require quick response on specific requests, you may also fill up an online enquiry form, call or email to us.
