
About Us

AIADR publishes Bimonthly Newsletter on each odd month ends, which is January, March, May, July, September and November each Year.

The Newsletter is named appropriately with the core objective of AIADR as “ADR Centurion”.

It contains contributions from its Members and Non-Members from around the world. The focus is on interesting news and views of happenings at AIADR and its members’ jurisdictions, the premier Institution for enhancing global ADR Forums and dispute avoidance.

Invitation for Contributions

You are encouraged to participate actively in the development of the Institute and contribute your articles for future publications. You may also submit views and comments for improvements, which you would like to see and the topics of interest to be addressed in upcoming Issues.

All articles can be submitted to:

Contact Us

Should you require quick response on specific requests, you may also fill up an online enquiry form, call or email to us.
