
Membership Segments

Membership Segments

AIADR is the membership based Institute and its members are committed to the AIADR Mission, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics. The members of the Institute will determine the directions and future of the Institute.

The Institute as a membership organisation invites and welcomes all elite professionals from across the globe, to join as individuals or corporate organisations, from a broad range of industries and segments of the economy, with added qualifications, knowledge and experience in legal forums and dispute resolution practices.

In accordance with the AIADR Membership Regulations, the Applicants seeking to become members of the Institute must satisfy the prerequisites of membership set out in these Regulations.

The interested persons, institutions or body corporate shall be able to apply for or be awarded with membership of the Institute. As an individual, generally the applicant would have:

  • Passed the designated course(s)/Module(s) as prescribed by these Regulations; or such course(s)/Module(s) which in the opinion of the Council is equivalent to the Course(s)/ Module(s) so prescribed by the Council, and may be treated as having passed such prescribed Course(s)/Module(s) by the Council; or has met the criteria for corporate membership or institutional membership or of supporting organization, as described in these Regulations;
  • Undertaken such period of relevant experience in ADR or other related fields, as provided in these Regulations; and
  • Satisfied such other requirements as to its suitability for admission to the register of membership of the Institute.

Benefits of Membership

The benefits for individual membership common to all classes of membership are:

Recognition of the professional profile of an individual committed to the highest code of ethics and conduct
Certificate of Membership of the AIADR
Career progression to higher levels of achievements
Participation at Member rates for all events and courses of the AIADR
Discounts for events organized by other Institutions where AIADR is the supporting organization
Bi-Monthly Newsletter and Quarterly Journal
Access to publishing your own Blog at the Institute’s website
Access to network of members online
Eligible to apply for mentee program
Participation in discussion forums, moots and talks on special topics by experts, in different jurisdictions, close to members’ home State
Belonging to an elite group in the ADR sector for promotion of trade and cohesive relations across cultural boundaries
Voting rights for election of the Office bearers for Governance of AIADR
Eligibility to join Branches

In addition to the common benefits additional rights and privileges according to the Class of Individual Membership of AIADR, members shall enjoy different rights, benefits and privileges as prescribed in the Institute’s Constitution, Regulations and Rules of the Institute.

General Eligibility Criteria for All Grades of Membership

The following mandatory requirements are applicable for all grades of membership of the Institute:

  • Natural persons of sound mind and noble character
  • Must not be an undischarged bankrupt
  • Must not be under any criminal investigation or serving criminal sentence at the time of application
  • Should not be an expelled member of any other institute in the world, on disciplinary grounds
  • Committed to the AIADR Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics

Membership Segments

AIADR is the membership based Institute and its members are committed to the AIADR Mission, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics. The members of the Institute will determine the directions and future of the Institute.

The Institute as a membership organisation invites and welcomes all elite professionals from across the globe, to join as individuals or corporate organisations, from a broad range of industries and segments of the economy, with added qualifications, knowledge and experience in legal forums and dispute resolution practices.

In accordance with the AIADR Membership Regulations, the Applicants seeking to become members of the Institute must satisfy the prerequisites of membership set out in these Regulations.

The interested persons, institutions or body corporate shall be able to apply for or be awarded with membership of the Institute. As an individual, generally the applicant would have:

  • passed the designated course(s)/Module(s) as prescribed by these Regulations; or such course(s)/Module(s) which in the opinion of the Council is equivalent to the Course(s)/ Module(s) so prescribed by the Council, and may be treated as having passed such prescribed Course(s)/Module(s) by the Council; or has met the criteria for corporate membership or institutional membership or of supporting organization, as described in these Regulations;
  • undertaken such period of relevant experience in ADR or other related fields, as provided in these Regulations; and
  • Satisfied such other requirements as to its suitability for admission to the register of membership of the Institute.

Benefits of Membership

The benefits for individual membership common to all classes of membership are:

  • Recognition of the professional profile of an individual committed to the highest code of ethics and conduct
  • Certificate of Membership of the AIADR
  • Career progression to higher levels of achievements
  • Participation at Member rates for all events and courses of the AIADR
  • Discounts for events organized by other Institutions where AIADR is the supporting organization
  • Bi-Monthly Newsletter and Quarterly Journal
  • Access to publishing your own Blog at the Institute’s website
  • Access to network of members online
  • Eligible to apply for mentee program
  • Participation in discussion forums, moots and talks on special topics by experts, in different jurisdictions, close to members’ home State
  • Eligibility to join Branches
  • Voting rights for election of the Office bearers for Governance of AIADR
  • Belonging to an elite group in the ADR sector for promotion of trade and cohesive relations across cultural boundaries

In addition to the common benefits additional rights and privileges according to the Class of Individual Membership of AIADR, members shall enjoy different rights, benefits and privileges as prescribed in the Institute’s Constitution, Regulations and Rules of the Institute.

General Eligibility Criteria for All Grades of Membership

The following mandatory requirements are applicable for all grades of membership of the Institute:

  • Natural persons of sound mind and noble character
  • Must not be an undischarged bankrupt
  • Must not be under any criminal investigation or serving criminal sentence at the time of application
  • Should not be an expelled member of any other institute in the world, on disciplinary grounds
  • Committed to the AIADR Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics

Contact Us

Should you require quick response on specific requests, you may also fill up an online enquiry form, call or email to us.
