Corporate Members

Membership Segments

In accordance with the AIADR Regulations, the Corporate Membership may be granted to Corporate Bodies such as Educational Institutions, ADR Services User Organizations, ADR related services providers, Arbitral Institutions, Membership Associations etcetera with interest in the field of ADR.

Benefits of Corporate Membership

The benefits for each class of Corporate Members are provided upon receipt of the Application, which may be varied from time to time by the Council

In addition to the above, in general all Corporate Members may enjoy the following privileges:

  • Publishing of Articles and Blogs on AIADR Website and Newsletters
  • Participate in Roadshows and ADR promotional events jointly with AIADR
  • Listing in the Newsletters and events flyers
  • Listed on the AIADR Website
  • EDM communiques access to global membership of AIADR, within permissible GPDM Policies
Application for Corporate Membership
  1. Corporate Members must recognize and support the Vision, Mission and Values of the Institute.
  2. The application for the Corporate Membership may be by invitation.
  3. The Corporates may also write in to the Head, Membership Secretariat expressing interest for becoming a Corporate Member of AIADR. The request for Corporate Membership and Class applied, shall include comprehensive profile of the entity and sent only by the authorised executive or Chief Executive of the Body Corporate.
  4. The Head, Membership Secretariat will review the suitability and applicable Class of Corporate Membership, and respond within (14) working days for further instructions.
  5. For full details and list of benefits, privileges, collaboration, participation in joint events and sponsorship opportunities, please write to the Head, Membership Secretariat with your corporate profile.

Contact Us

Should you require quick response on specific requests, you may also fill up an online enquiry form, call or email to us.
